What will my child become?
"How do I know what my daughter wants to do?", asked a fretting mom about her 12 year old. Though not an expert , I ,looking through the glasses of experience replied that it is too early for the little girl to form her mind. But whatever she does has to come from within her and should be nurtured with passion and devotion. Those words, a universal truth, I had said with much conviction, as I had seen the same happening with my children.My daughter started singing at the tender age of 3.We were lucky parents in that we never had to compel her to take to music. It came naturally in the flow of life , being born into a musical family.But at times, the same flow of life would tip her priorities away from her music which is ingrained in her. And at times it would be a phase of ebb, often the outcome of her striving to achieve 100 percent at this tender age and her own sense of not attainin...